Monday, July 31, 2006

I call this post: Naiihi ako [BGmusic: A Minor Incident - Badly Drawn Boy]

Mondays are so painful. Wouldn't it be nice if we had five days of rest and two days of work instead of the other way around?

Awhile ago I almost didn't wake up. Either my alarm didn't go off, or I must have turned it off when I was still in dreamland. Umuulan. I woke up when I heard someone say "walang pasok", only to find out na may pasok pala. [Boohoo. Boohoo.]

I like this kind of weather, though. The heavy rains and the cold wind. It's just like Baguio. The rain can be a pain in the backside, because somebody stole my umbrella and now I'm stuck with one of those giant family umbrellas. Wa-poise, but what can I do? [Kanina nga, di ko na ginamit yung umbrella. Bitbit ko lang. I just put on my hood and walked through the rain umbrella-less. Nakakahiya kasi. Sobrang laki.]

Have any of you heard of Top of the Pops? I think they used to air it in ABC5 or Studio 23. I'm not sure. It was a chart show. They showed the top 20 UK singles. Anyway, I used to watch it when we still lived in England. Every single Friday. I was nine when I first watched the show. I even remember the first performer - I doubt that any of you have heard of her, but it was Louise. Her song was crap, but I loved the show. I think the Number One single at the time was It's Like That by Run DMC [uber catchy, will download it later to reminisce].

Anyway, why am I sharing this with you?

I'm getting there.

This show made such a huge impact on my musical preferences. I didn't care much about music before - I listened to whatever my sister listened to [Backstreet Boys, Backstreet Boys, and more Backstreet Boys]. Because of TOTP, I learned I learned that Britney can't sing live, and that Robbie Williams was a badass performer. I learned the dance steps of Steps because of TOTP. With TOTP, I memorized the lyrics of my favorite 5ive songs. TOTP introduced me to bands like the Manic Street Preachers, Cornershop, Oasis, Blur, Bush, Catatonia, to pop groups like B*Witched [ack], 911 [eck], Westlife [ick], S Club 7 [ock], The Vengaboys [uck], and to legends like Cher, Tom Jones, and Prince.

Again, why am I sharing this with you?

I found out that the show has finally stopped airing. After forty-two years, the BBC decided that TOTP has reached its conclusion. The last episode was aired July 30.

I felt really bad when I first heard about it [last week - late talaga ako pagdating sa balita]. Although I don't watch the show anymore, it was part of my life, you know? I thought it would be there forever [I mean, come on, it has been around for FORTY-TWO YEARS]. And now, it's not. A part of my childhood is gone. [I know it sounds more than a little melodramatic, but it's true.]


Wala na akong masabi.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

I call this post: Wasting Away [BGmusic: All You Need Is Love - Lynden David Hall]

I haven't had breakfast. My dorm doesn't serve food on weekends. I'm wasting away... [Echo: away... away... away...] Ate cookies. Not full. I guess I'll have something to eat right before I go to church.

Speaking of church, I made a vow to myself that I will be wearing skirts on Sundays. [And am regretting it very much.] I'm not a skirt person. My legs look like sticks. Ang panget tingnan. But whatever, I'll try to keep my promise.

I am so in love with Rodic's tapsilog. To those of you who aren't familiar with the UP ecosystem, Rodic's is a UP legend. It's like, a bajillion years old [actually, it's been keeping UP students well fed since 1940-something]. It's located at our wonderful Shopping Center [where you can also go on the internet, buy school supplies, get your hair cut, your nails done and MORE!]. Sarap talaga ng tapsilog nila. Heaven on a metal plate, that's what it is. I had tapsilog for lunch and dinner yesterday, and I may have some later.

Man, I'm hungry.

I'm craving for chocolate. Jenny [from BA] bought a Butterfinger and a huge chunk of dark chocolate yesterday. I wonder if she still has any left. I wonder if she'll let me have some. I wonder what her room number is. [My stomach: Grrrrruuuuuwrrrrraaaarrrrr...]

Anyway, can't post on an empty stomach. Para matuwa naman kayo... I have peekchoors. Wihihihihi.


Ahihihihi ulit.

Ahihihihi na naman.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

I call this post: "Hmmm... Samthing... Different..."

Yes, dears. As you may have noticed, my blog looks just a teeny-weeny bit different.

[Bakit mo pinalitan?] Bakit hindi? I like change. I loved my old template, but I want to shake things up a little. [Oo-er...] So I tweaked some things here and there.

[Bakit walang kape?] Ehem ehem. Merong "coffee stains" sa upper right corner, next to my code name. Yun na yun.

[Bakit may kotse?] Kasi... Beetle siya. Pagong. My friends and I have these really inane games revolving around VW Beetles [the old kind]. I won't go into details here, baka bababa pa yung tingin ninyo sa akin.

So yun. Voila. Bagong template. Wee.

[From now on, I will be highlighting my "side-thoughts" with this color, instead of this color. Mas klaro kasi against black. Wala lang, sharing moment.]

Wee ulit.

May kwento ako.

It may... disturb some of you, and some of you may find it... amusing.

Kasi, kanina, may nagsabi sa akin na, "Huy, blooming ka ngayon, ah! In love?"

I just want to say that girls are really really pretty [at least, prettier than usual] during certain times of the month. Particularly, when they [or we] are ovulating. Hormones are sent out to make our cheeks redder, our lips redder, fuller, and more supple, and our face actually fills out to become more symmetrical. Makeup actually duplicates the appearance of ovulation. [So if you wear makeup, no-one can tell if you're... ehem... fertile or not. But I don't... so... um... there.]

So what did I say when the guy told me that I was "blooming"?

"Dear, I'm probably just ovulating." [I always wanted to say that, and I finally did!]

[And this is the part when he just gives me a really really bewildered look.]

The End.

Walang kwenta talaga ang post na ito. Hehehe pasensya na.

PAHABOL. Yes, this is a blogthing. Nakita ko siya sa blog ni Heneroso, natuwa naman ako. Yellow's close enough to orange. Pwede na.
Your Blog Should Be Yellow

You're a cheerful, upbeat blogger who tends to make everyone laugh.
You are a great storyteller, and the first to post the latest funny link.
You're also friendly and welcoming to everyone who comments on your blog.
What Color Should Your Blog or Journal Be?

Friday, July 28, 2006

I call this post: The Way We Were: A Tribute to Boy Bands

I must be suicidal. I told myself that I wouldn't install The Sims [Hail! The Sims!] on my laptop because my academics would reap the consequences. But look what I've done. I have reintroduced Zuma [Hail! Zuma!] to my life. And this is coming from the girl who gets distracted by FreeCell [Hail! FreeCell!].

Mabuhay ang bangag.

Just visited, and guess what? Lance Bass (from N'Sync) has finally come out. Yes, girls, he is in a "stable relationship" with 32-year-old actor Reichen Lehmkuhl, winner of season four of The Amazing Race.

I always knew something was up with the guy. His eyebrows are neater than mine.

I have to tell my sister. He was her favorite N'Syncer. Poor Ate Rory... Bwahahahaha...

I was never an N'Sync fan - the only boy band I really, truly loved was 5ive... a loooong loooong time ago... Haaay.

Whatever happened to 5ive, anyway? [I think they've broken up.] Yep, I think you're right.

Why does everyone hate boy bands? I mean, sure, their music has to be the cheesiest of cheese, and all their lyrics are basically the same, and they all wear matching outfits and they all dance and it's just so... bizaare... but that doesn't really make them hateable for me. Just cute. Kinda like a really good looking freak show.

I think I just miss boy bands. They don't make music like that nowadays. [My hat goes off to the Backstreet Boys, who have stuck it out all these years - thank you for staying with us. P.S. Marry me, Kevin.] Now it's all sissy-punk boy bands. Nagpapanggap na rockers, but we all know that deep inside, they are boy bands, ashamed of their true colors.

Confession: This post is making me hungry for boy band music. Am downloading music by 5ive as I am typing this. I am going to listen to boy band music and I am not ashamed!

I think after listening to too much rock for so long, I need to go back to my roots. [Note to self: Must download stuff by Aqua. Or maybe not.]

Got the Feeling is playing! SING ALONG! [If you got the feelin', jump to the ceiling, ah we're getting down tonight. 1 if you wanna, 2 if you're gonna, 3 cos everything's alright...]

Okay, now I'm starting to scare myself.

[Just realized, J's voice is uncannily similar to that rapper from Gorillaz. Wow.]

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Very recently, some girls came up to me and asked me why I wasn't in a relationship yet. They obviously didn't know that I have never had a boyfriend in my life, and don't plan on getting myself one soon.

Sure, there are times when I just want to get out there and get myself a boyfriend so I wouldn feel less lonely. Especially when I'm in a beautiful place on my own. For example, when I see a nice sunset, it would be nice to have someone to share it with. And moviehouses are just excruciating [especially when they're showing romantic comedies] - all those canoodling couples and their happiness wafting in the air. Wislawa Szymborska phrased it perfectly in her poem, True Love:
Look at the happy couple.
Couldn't they at least try to hide it,
fake a little depression for their friends' sake?
Listen to them laughing - its an insult.
The language they use - deceptively clear.
And their little celebrations, rituals,
the elaborate mutual routines -
it's obviously a plot behind the human race's back!
Some of you may be wondering why I am "torturing" myself like this. I admit that there have been times when I was thiiiiis close to crossing over to the "couples" side. But obviously, I haven't. The problem with getting a boyfriend is, I can't find a good enough reason to back me up if ever I should. In fact, there are too many reasons against my going into a relationship. I can summarize them in five points:

The main reason: first of all, my parents don't want me to get into a relationship. They want me to wait until I graduate, and until I get a job. Since I turned eighteen, they've very reluctantly allowed me to do what I want to do. But all my life, they have drilled their values into my brain. [They made me read all the Joshua Harris books, Passion and Purity by Elisabeth Elliot, and many many more. I have been told over and over again that I am "worth waiting for". I have a ring with the words "true love waits" etched on the inside.] As a result, I'm not comfortable with the even just the idea of having a boyfriend. Because I know my parents don't want me to. And, yes, I'm a good daughter. [Yes, I have hated myself many times for being such a goody-two-shoes, but heck, that's the way I am.]

Second, I'm a pessimist. It's in my nature. Whenever a guy expresses how he feels about... someone [let's say... hmmm... me], I can't help but feel skeptical. I'm eighteen. It may seem a big number for me right now, but I can't ignore the fact that I'm young. For what? Too young for a commitment. Basically, I know that if I entertain the idea, it'll just end badly. I know that there are some exceptions to this rule [e.g.... um... um... Noah and Allie from The Notebook], but those are rare cases.

Third, this just isn't the right time. This is the time for me to make friends, study, and... [ta-daaah!] study some more. Frankly, I don't have time to squeeze in maintaining a relationship. I juggle my barkada, my org, and my acads every day. If I had a boyfriend now, he'd be a very unhappy one.

Fourth: I'm not emotionally ready for a relationship. Trust me on this. I mentioned awhile ago that I feel lonely a lot of times. During these moments, I sometimes feel like giving in, just so I could be happy. But that's just it. I shouldn't base my happiness on one person. It shouldn't be like that. After seeing too many of my friends suffer through painful breakups, I know for a fact that it shouldn't work like that.

The fifth reason's my favorite. [Warning: this is going to be a more than a little bit mushy.] I believe that there is one person out there made especially for me. I'm waiting for him [and he better be waiting for me]. We'll find each other soon enough [if we haven't met already - ooh scary thought], when I don't have to worry about hiding it from my parents. And when I meet him, instead of seeing the imminent breakup, I'm going to be able to see the happy ending. Call me naive, call me stupid, call me anything you want. I like to call myself a hopelessful romantic.

[Oh my gaaaawd that was mushier than I thought it'd be.]

Has singledom been easy on me? Heck no. Mahirap talaga. Especially when you're being chased around by boys all the time [nyak nyak nyak]. Seriously though, nahihirapan talaga ako. It's not easy to "just say no" in a "just do it" world. Many of my friends have told me that I can't hold out for much longer, and that only makes me want to prove them wrong. But it isn't impossible - I may find myself coupled sooner than I had planned. I just hope that if that happens, it won't be because I just gave up and gave in.

OkayI'mdonewithtalking. Enough.

To those people out there who are in a relationship, good for you. Don't take what I have been saying personally. Dating works for some people, just not for me.

Kung may mga violent reactions kayo sa mga sinabi ko, idaan nalang natin sa question and answer. Mag-comment na!
Wala lang. Because I want to, I present:

My Love Life: A Playlist

1. Single - Natasha Bedingfield [Single pride.]
2. As Lovers Go - Dashboard Confessional [I swear, I'm the girl Chris Carraba is singing to. This song never fails to depress me. But I listen to it over and over again anyway. I may have masochistic tendencies.]
3. I Will - The Beatles [Wee!]
4. End of the Line - Honeyz [This was during a very difficult period in my not very interesting love life (a loooooooooooooooong time ago). Won't go into details.]
5. Longer - Dan Whatshisface [Wee ulit! Hahaha...]
6. Missy Higgins - Scar

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Some of you might have been wondering what had happened to my blog. Don't worry, I didn't suddenly decide that I wanted to go all minimalist. [Minimalism and me don't really mix. I want color, and lots of it.]

Well... it's a long story, but basically, the internet connection suddenly went haywire while I was editing the template (just adding a link), and I basically lost everything. Thank goodness I have a backup copy of my code. The only problem is, I'm not sure if my links list is complete.

If I have linked you in the past, please check my links list to see if you are there. If you're not, tell me, and I'll add you up again.

Thanks to those who commented, and noticed that, hey, wait a second, there's something wrong going on here... I'm posting your comments here [plug na rin toh], para ma-save naman.
Jigs said...

I love the cold weather, but being in baguio with the storm, it must be really cold! hehe! Why did you change the look of your template?

To Jigs: Now you know. :-)

> sExYbiTcHy VaNnY < said...
waahhh.. namiz ko ang stat class ko.. hehe. :D

anong feeling ng nasa Baguio na binabagyo?? wahahha. jologs ko din. hihi

Mhellow said...

hey!! what happened to your super-duper cool layout?? the orange one??

To Mhellow: Relaks lang pare. Hehe.

utakgago said...

anyway, inform lang kita that your blog-of-the moment membership is expired. (sensya na). but still, you became the apple of the eye of Utakgago.


what happened to your layout? the orange one?

anyway. layouts are secondary. :) as long as the posts are sensible enough, there's a pure chance of catching attention!!

multiply? haha meron akong account pero wala, nakatiwangwang. ni isang pic- wala. =))

lol. that's all. !! thanks for the comment!

To Utakgago: I never really thanked you for featuring my blog... THANK YOU!

pam said...

hello! lang..=P
Anyway, I updated my Spotlight. And I have a new template, which should be up next week maybe. I'm not sure if it's better than my current one, all I know is, I want change.

I'm not going to post a real update now, I'm... busy. STUDYING. Believe it or not.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

There aren't many phrases in the Filipino language that evokes a surge of pure elation like the words: "Walang pasok." That phrase is up there with "Libre kita?", and "*in song* Sana ikaaaaaaw na ngaaaaaa..." [Shucks bakit ang jologs ko ngayon?]

How was Baguio? Wonderful. Cold. Very cold. It's cold enough here in Quezon City. Just imagine what it's like back there. I missed the cold. I missed getting out of my bed, and after feeling my joints start to freeze over, deciding to go back to the warm haven of my thick duvet cover. And I missed wearing turtlenecks. I brought back my black one. I don't know when I'm going to wear it, but I am going to wear it... *resilient voice* ...Someday.

Ann and I arrived from Baguio at around 4:30 AM (we took the deluxe bus at Victory). We arrived at the dorm at around 5AM. The dorm opens its doors at 6AM. So... we waited. And waited. And eventually, we were permitted to go inside. Seperated ways. And the moment my head hit my pillow, I was asleep. [And probably snoring.]

When I woke up, my roommates were already awake. "May pasok ba?", I asked them. "Wala!" they said. Yes. Walang Stat101. Walang obnoxious FA28 classmates. Tulog na lang.

Plug: I have resurrected my multiply account. Visit it if you want to see some more pictures (not many, mind you).

Monday, July 24, 2006

Song: Other Side of the World - KT Tunstall

Hello, world. I'm back, after two days of blog-break. I'm still in Baguio. Spent the last couple of days vegetating at home, watching videos. Namely, the first CD of Casanova (sucked so much we had to change it), Munich (great, as expected), Motorcycle Diaries (again, and I still love it as much as I did), and the last part of Beautician and the Beast (the cheesecorn! the cheesecorn!).

I'm at Hotshots right now. Hopefully, we'll be having lunch here. I'm feeling particularly carnivorous today.

Will post pictures soon. Probably tomorrow. When I'm back at the dorm. The internet at home isn't working.

Can't really post now, I'm researching for a paper. [Hanggang dito, nagtratrabaho pa ako?! ANU BA YAN!]

Plug: Ann just posted her first post. Hooray.

Friday, July 21, 2006

No class this morning.

I wake up at 9.

Hobble to the door.

Sunlight filters through the trees. The leaves of the trees sway in the wind I can't feel. Birdsong. The day declares that it is here, not to stay, but maybe to make a name for itself.

I bask in the beauty of morning.

It's a shame I don't get to do this every day.

For the first time since this semester started, I will be going home to Baguio. I love three day weekends. Let everyone else spend next Monday in Mendiola complaining about this and that. I'm going to be in Baguio. My city. My city. (I never get tired of saying that... ;p)

It's not even important if I see my friends or not, or even if I have fun or not. I just want to be reunited with Baguio. [And yeah, eat real food for once. Haha. Had cup noodles for breakfast today cause I woke up past breakfast time. But noodles actually taste better than most of the canteen food.]

I'm so excited to see my dog. I miss her. Oh, and yeah, my family. Heeheehee.

Ann, my former roomie (who basically still is, because she spends all her time in my room; she only goes to her room to study and sleep), is coming with me. I plan on doing touristy stuff. I love being a tourist in my own city. It's so fun. Much more fun than being a tourist in a place you're a stranger to. I like thinking I know where everything is, and discovering (or re-discovering) something I didn't really see before.

I like falling in love over and over and over with Baguio. I like Session Road and the many different kinds of people (some of them definitely not likeable on their own, but in they complete the spectrum of the multitude).

I'm moving, I'm coming
Can you hear what I hear
It's calling you my dear, out of reach

Thursday, July 20, 2006

School of Economics. Room 125. It was 3:15 PM. I entered the classroom. I was the last to come in. The discussion had already started.

She called my name.

I got my blue book.

Something was scrawled on the inside flap:

"Must study very hard to pass."

Salamat na practice exam lang yun.

Lumabas na ang first issue ng Echoes, my org's paper. I'm the Features and Literary Editor. Pero under my name was "Featres". (SINONG NAG-PROOFREAD NUN, HA?! Moment ko yun, tapos biglang... ganun?! Huhuhuhu....) Yes, it's a big deal. For me.

Since I have nothing to say (or nothing I want to post here for all the world to see), pwede bang mag-plug na lang? [Duh, blog mo ito, do whatever you want.]

Here are my babies (some blogs I have worked on), starting from the youngest:

Ann's blog - Ann was my roommate in Kalayaan. She's totally new to blogging so there aren't any entries yet, and she hasn't tweaked the links, but she'll get her act together soon, don't worry. (Nakiki-net lang siya sa laptop ko. Hehe.) And yeah, she's not as gloomy as her template. This was the first time I made something like this (i.e. something serious and dark - I like funking stuff up). She asked for something morbid, and although it's not exactly that, it's emo enough for her.

Pluto's blog - I also know Pluto from Kalayaan, and Econ-er din siya. He wanted something inspired by the havaianas website - which is one of the most gorgeous sites I have ever come across. Syempre, di kasing ganda ng havaianas website yung ginawa ko, but I have to say that out of all my babies, this is my favorite! (I even like it better than my current template. Love the colors kasi, and it's nice and simple.) But there's something wrong with the right-most image. Ewan ko kung bakit, di naman broken yung link... Hmph. :-|

Pie's blog - Pie was my schoolmate in first year high school. (Or was it grade 6? Hanggang ngayon naguguluhan pa rin ako.) Actually, hanggang ngayon, schoolmates pa rin kami. Anyway, she gave me the image (her silhouette with the iPod), and I worked around it. I like this one a lot as well. Oh, and if you're using Internet Explorer, the quotebox on the upper right will appear just white. Mag-download na kayo ng Firefox. Microsoft is evil. (Pero Windows pa rin OS ko, ano kaya yun? Okay lang, pirated naman eh. Harharhar. Yoko kasi ng Linux, I feel really stupid when I'm using it; I don't know where anything is.)

My brother's blog - This is the first template I worked on, other than the ones I made for my own blogging pleasure. I'm not too pleased with this one because my brother was the one who conceptualized it (haha). He just wanted his picture on the blog. Yun lang. Can you believe that he even said, "Don't do anything to my picture."?!?!?! I had to really sweet-talk him to let me apply a sepia tone. And yeah, the picture's too small. But seeing that he never updates (ahem ahem), I don't think I'll be fixing that any time soon.

And syempre, there are my old blogs. Unfortunately, the original aftertaste template isn't with me, so I can't show it to you. (You could visit the site, but you will see... nothing but white.) You could still visit my older blogs: Tikim ng Kalayaan and Symphony in the Key of C-minor. I was still learning basic html then, so they aren't as nice as my recent skins, but I'm still proud of them. ^_^
Alam ba ninyo kung bakit Aftertaste ang tawag sa blog ko? Yes, adik nga ako sa kape, pero hindi yan.

Clue: Di na ako magbibigay ng clue, super dali na nga ng tanong, naghahanap pa kayo ng clue? Tsk tsk tsk...

If you get the right answer... Wala kang makukuhang prize. Just the fulfillment of answering a question correctly. *ismayl!*

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Conclusion of yesterday's post: I didn't go jogging. It rained. (Thank you thank you thank you, weatherman!) Bwahahaha.

Anyway, I just finished typing a two-page paper due today. Super last minute talaga. It's not that I work best under pressure, I work only when under pressure. Hehe.

(Right) Awhile ago we did some shooting for our report in STS (the same report wth the Silver Surfer powerpoint presentation). Parang news program style siya. I hate having my picture/video taken (I'm only comfortable with cameras when I'm the one holding the camera), but I finished my segment quickly. Na-amaze nga yung mga groupmates ko kasi medyo mabilis ako natapos. What can I say, pang-artista talaga ako. [Pffft.... whutebr.]

Hindi masyado obvious sa posts ko, pero lately I've been feeling really really really down in the dumps. Every day has been really lousy. Gusto ko nga mag-LOA. (Haha, I wish talaga.) There's something seriously wrong with this sem - every day used to be so exciting for me, almost magical - kulang lang ng butterfly on my finger and bluebirds following my trail.

But this sem has been so flat. And stressful. And have I mentioned how bad my luck has been?

This was my theme song before:
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah! Zip-a-dee-ay!
My, oh my, what a wonderful day!
Plenty of sunshine heading my way.
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah! Zip-a-dee-ay!

Mr. Bluebird on my shoulder...
etc etc etc

- Zip-a-dee-doo-dah - Steve... something.
Lam mo theme song ko ngayon? Heto.
Sunny days
Where have you gone?
I get the strangest feeling you belong

Why does it always rain on me?
Is it because I lied when I was seventeen?
Why does it always rain on me?
Even when the sun is shining
I can't avoid the lightning

- Why does it always rain on me? - Travis
Well, what goes up must come down. I'm definitely in the "down" part of the spinning wheel. At nag-jam yung wheel. I'm stuck. :-(

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I have been staring at him for hours now, and I have come to this conclusion: The Silver Surfer is hot. Probably the hottest superhero there is. I used to be a Flash groupie, but now I know that he cannot compare to the Sentinel of the Spaceways... *sigh* I mean, look at him! He's... shiny. And he rides a surfboard. What more could you ask for, right?

[The reason why I have been subject to excessive exposure to his sculpted abdomen is... I have finished my powerpoint presentation for Web Surfing. And my theme is...*ta-daaaah!* none other than my most favoritest superhero.] I'm done with my presentation, but I still have the Silver Surfer. Wallpaper ko na siya ngayon. Bwahahahaha. [None of my friends know who the Silver Surfer is. When Ann saw the picture on my wallpaper, she was like, "Iceman?" Tsk tsk tsk... Kids these days.]

Teeheeheehee. I swear I just saw him wink at me. [Kinikilig sa cartoon, tama ba yun?]

Because of the Silver Surfer, I missed two of my classes. The first one, FA 28, because I had to finish the presentation, and the second one, Stat 101, because I fell asleep and when I woke up it was too late. [I stayed up all night researching, until 3AM, because my dorm decided to hold these stupid meetings last night. So it wasn't actually the Surfer's fault that I missed my classes, it was my dorm. He's innocent, I tell you.]

Tomorrow, I plan on going jogging. Planning on going jogging is very different from actually going jogging. Let's see if I decide to follow through tomorrow.

Why am I going jogging in the first place? Well, I have more than perfected the waif look, and I would really love to have some flesh on my bones so everyone can stop wondering if I'm bulimic or something [at the rate I eat, no-one would suspect anorexia, so it must be bulimia, right?]. I'm jogging to gain weight. Yep, I know it sounds weird, but my dad said that jogging would increase my appetite, and I'd gain weight. Eventually. But my gosh, the pain! The pain! The weezing and aches and cramps and... PAIN I will have to face!

Mixing exercise and me is like... eating chocolate-covered pizza - it's just not right. I suck at athletics. The last time I recall being really good at PE is when I was ten or eleven. Now, I'm a joke; at my org's Sports Fest, I signed up for pick-up sticks [not kidding, pick-up sticks talaga yung event ko]. Last year at Kalai, I signed up for the Yearbook Committee so I would be saved from participating in a sport. [I originally planned on joining the Pusoy Dos tournament, but someone beat me to it. D'oh.]

I don't think I'm meant to exercise. Last time I tried riding a bike, I crashed. And it wasn't your typical everyday crash, it was one of those oh-my-gosh-I'm-gonna-careen-into-that-oncoming-vehicle-and-die kind of crash. I don't want to imagine what could have happened if I wasn't wearing a helmet, but one can't help but think about such things. Anyway, I haven't ridden a bike ever since. I don't think I will for a while. Every time I see a bike go past me, I get the heebie-jeebies. And sometimes when I'm walking down that road, I still feel myself falling... *shudders* it's not a good feeling, believe me.

Last time I tried jogging... hmmm... I don't remember the last time I tried jogging. Hehehe. The last sport I played was... badminton. Or frisbee. Not sure. All I'm sure of is that it was last year. And I ended up with a really bad arm cramp. I don't have a PE subject, so this sem has been totally devoid of exercise.

I've never played basketball in my life. Never played volleyball in my life. I like the fact that I can use my violin to get out of games - "I can't play, it would ruin my wrist... er... bummer."

Anyway, what was my point again? Ah yes, I'm planning on going jogging tomorrow. Yun lang.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Guys, I'm so sorry for not updating. Things have been pretty hectic. For the past couple of days, "free time" was something that I did not possess. My schedule had been assigned to me against my will.

And although I now have unlimited internet access (*scary victory dance* ah-huh-ah-huh-ah-huh), my schedule is still not truly mine. Meaning, I have an Econ 102 quiz to study for. And I don't understand partial derivatives. I have [most unconveniently] forgotten everything I learned in my Math 100 classes. Woohoo. Ang galing ko talaga.

So here. Tinatamad pa rin ako, but to keep you entertained... I give you... my very entertaining face. [This has to be my most narcissistic post ever. I love it. I LOOOVE IT!]

[Some of] Donya Quixote's Many Faces

{also: DQ playing with camera phone during last week's general assembly instead of paying attention to dorm announcements}

Yes, this is blank space. I don't know what it is doing here. Di pa kasya table ko. But I am not deleting my narcissistic moment for anything.

Do scroll down.

Oooh... what
does this
button doooo?

Acting naturally.
Taas kilay.

Maangas! Ahuh!
I don't geddit. /

Battered wife /



Finding the right adjectives to describe your face.

I don't belief


Camwhore /

Acting naturally

part 2

I apologize profusely for the excessive vanity. I couldn't help myself. [Tsk... pangit nga ng resolution... SAYANG. Harharhar. Gamit ko pala cellphone ko. 3200 pa, so ang GANDA ng quality ng pictures, as IN! <==Oo, sarcastic po ako.] Oh, and yeah, I was having a bad hair day, so... yun. [Every day is a bad hair day for you, silly.] Shaddap.

And yeah, I watched Pirates of the Carribbean at Gateway awhile ago. Wasn't too impressed. Mas cute pa rin yung una. Pero what the hey, Johnny Depp was wonderful. As usual.

I watched it with Abby and her blockmate, Josiah. Nag-chaperone ako. First time. Masaya, as in. Wawa yung guy. Di maka-suave moment. Nakatitig kasi ako sa kanya. Parang... "Make a move and you're dead." [Joke lang po. Mabait po ako kanina. Pramis.]

Anyway... Aral na ako. Good night.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Tinatamad akong mag-post.

Pasensya na.

What's Your Inner Beast? [pics]

The Unicorn:

The Unicorn stands for Innocence. You have a kind and gentle soul that is never bored of dreams and hopes for a brighter tomorrow.

Strength: Usually optomistic, the Unicorn stands also for purity within self and mind. Dreams and fantasy often breeze across your mind throughout the day, and maybe you get caught day dreaming during important situations because you can't grasp reality. Hope is one of your more common illiminations to help you through the day if things aren't going great.

Flip Side: Even though dreaming and make-believe is wonderful, reality always seems to catch you off gaurd and throws a punch. You can also be naive and put on false hope that maybe things will get better.

Congratulations! You have a Unicorn inside!

pic (c) Christy Grandjean aka GoldenWolfen

Take this quiz!

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Wednesday, July 12, 2006




...Wala lang... masaya lang po ako. Heeheehee.

The party met my expectations. It sucked. And the worst part of it is, I had to stay for the whole night. Wasted my entire Tuesday evening. [Usually on Tuesdays I hang out around Molave with my friends, kasi walang pasok pag Wednesday.]

The food was... okay. Pity I hardly ate anything. In the darkness, I couldn't see what I was eating, before I knew what was happening I was chewing on liver. [Then I spat it out and rinsed my mouth out with orange juice. Me hate liver with all my being.] The bands were okay. There were two bands. The first one... erm... how can I put this... sucked [really out of beat], but I have to hand it to those girls, they really dressed the part. The second band was better, but by that time I was just praying that it would be over soon, because I really wanted to go to the dorm and eat.

Hay. I really really reeaaaally hate parties. The only parties I really enjoyed were in Kalai........... *siiigh*

Found my flash drive! [Whoopee!] Guess where I left it? The Econ computer lab! Ang tanga tanga ko talaga! [The past few days I've been borrowing people's flash drives for my reports and editing and downloading pleasure.]

Mahal ko na ang Ate sa lab. Dunno her name. Ate sa lab na lang. Heeheehee. [Enter music: "Reunited"]

This guy from my fencing class has been texting me.


Why is it that the people you don't want to hear from are the ones who keep in touch, and the people you want to talk to are the ones who never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever text/call/email/ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR PRESENCE? Huh? Huh?! HUH?!?!?! Bakeeeet? Bakit ganuuuuun?

And yeah, my dorm will have internet soon. You will be saved from my lame-oh posts once and for all. Sana.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

My friend recently got out of a relationship. I didn't know how to comfort her, didn't know what to say. I just shut up and hugged her as she cried her eyes out. Sometimes the best thing you can do is just be there. But the whole time, I was in awe of her capability to cry out so freely... to be so... uninhibited.

Anyhoo... I have a party to attend later - the much awaited Econ Acquaintance Party. I'm going because I was pushed into our batch's performance. And yes, for the food.

I hate parties. I would rather hole up in my room with my laptop, or a good book. Heck, I'd rather study. Yes, I am a hermit. I dream of Robinson Crusoe's lifestyle. I had a scheduled interview with an alumnus of my organization tonight, but apparentely, I'm more needed in the party.

So there.

*Sigh* Party I must.

The food better be good.

Good news. My dorm will finally have internet on the fifteenth. Which means, no more internet cafes and their annoying web browsers. (Firefox is FREE, people!!! FREE!) Theoretically, as a result of the (almost) unlimited internet access, my posts will get better. I apologize for my recent posts. My writing's been really sucky recently.

Oooh! I got an ego boost awhile ago that I just have to share with everyone in the world. [Just humor me here, I don't get these ego boosts very often anymore.] This guy told me that I looked like a... a... a... *inhales* commercial model for shampoo or something. (Obviously, he needs to get his eyes looked at - my hair was at its zenith of buhaghag-ness - but yeah, let's pretend for a second that he wasn't blind and I really looked hot.)

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Walang takot,
Kahit kanino!
Hinding-hindi magpapahuli
Ganyan kaming mga taga-UP!

Watched the UP-UST game at the Ninoy Aquino Stadium awhile ago. [And as a result, my voice sounds really gay. It's okay, my damaged voice box will serve as my "battle scar".]

I love watching the UAAP basketball matches. Not a fan of the sport, but when it's my team out there, it's a whole different story.

Sayang, I took pictures but my sister has my cord.

Man, I'm freaking happy.

Sorry guys, can't really write now. Masyado akong masaya. Harharhar. Take that, UST! (Sa mga Thomasians na nagbabasa nito... Peace taaayoooo!) Hehehehehe.

Ang galing! Ang galing ni Marvin Cruz! Ang galing namin mag-cheer! Ang galing talaga!

I might watch the UP-ADMU game. And the UP-ADU game. Bahala na si Batman.

Now, if only UP can keep it up.

Hay... Marvin, if you're reading this, marry me, will you?


Actually, I'm not really big on the jocks. Marvin's nice to look at, but I like the drummers. The crazy, headbanging bass drummers... crush ko ngayon ang drummer ng UST, and I don't even know what he looks like. Nagustuhan ko lang ang headbanging niya. (Haha, tama ba yun?)

To do:

  • Get myself a maroon UP shirt. I have a UP shirt, but it's black with yellow lettering. (Ano kaya yun?)
  • Edit. Edit. Edit. The first issue of Echoes (my org's paper) is due soon!
  • Have an acquaintance party to go to this Tuesday. Must (re)learn how to play the violin part of Huling El Bimbo.
  • Watch Superman? ..................NAH. I'll just wait until the video comes out. Or until SOMEONE invites me to watch it on IMAX.
  • Find flash drive. (Huhuhuhu...)

Saturday, July 08, 2006

I have recently discovered that I am rooming with three prodigies. Or maybe not prodigies, but if Promil ever got their hands on my roommates when they were still wee children, I wouldn't be surprised.

Take Winsome. Ka-batch ko siya sa Kalai. Apparentely, inuno niya lahat ng Math subjects niya. And she's a Physics major, take note. Her classmates often go to our room to get her help. Oh, and class salutatorian siya noon sa MSU. (Mindanao State University. I'm not sure what branch.)

Then there's Ate Marge. Philosophy major. Reads all the time. At least, when she's not typing essays, sleeping, or in the shower. And the kind of stuff she reads isn't just your ordinary Da Vinci Code, she reads classics. Yesterday she was reading The Scarlet Pimpernel. For fun. I can't even get through Great Expectations [which she has probably read].

And, last but not the least, Ate Sol. Chemical Engineering lang naman course niya. Graduated from PhilSci Davao. Part of the student council of engineering. Member of the Alchemes. Council din siya ng dorm last year. Oh, and did I mention na Chemical Engineering course niya? Just one look at her books and I feel the need to block up my nose for fear of a nosebleed.

What about me, right?

To console myelf, I've been telling myself: "It's okay, you're the pretty one."

Basically, I'm Nick Carter. The talentless pretty boy of the bunch. Harharhar. [Yeah, I'm pathetic.]

Friday, July 07, 2006

Wow. I am amazed. I have finally attracted hate-mail for the first time. Techinically, I wouldn't call it hate-mail cause it was in my comments, but I don't know what term you have for hate-comments (?). Spam? Nah. Aanyway, the weird thing is, I didn't think my previous post was particulary offensive. Maybe my post about being exasperated with Pacquiao. Or even my anti-emo post back in my old blog. But not me being annoyed with some girls at my org because they made fun of some of our applicants. (Read it. I still don't get how it could be offensive. Unless you happen to be a member of my org. And you like making making up really rude nicknames for people who don't dress, talk, and act like you. Oh dear, panu kung ganun nga? Tun-tun-tuuuuun...)

I don't get it. And yes, to whoever commented, I have read To Kill A Mockingbird.

And strangely enough, I'm not mad. Slightly offended, but not mad. When you're told to "get over yourself" and you're not in the least bit offended, there must be something wrong with you.

Look at the bright side - if I'm attracting hate-comments (what the HECK is the right term?), that means that I'm attracting readers of all shapes, sizes, and reading comprehension levels. [Eye for an eye, baby. Haha.]

That aside, I had my beloved FA 28 class awhile ago. The class is so interesting I can't help but share a little bit of it. (Only a little, promise. If I share all the interesting little tidbits I picked up, your eyes might glaze over from all the names and dates.)

This is Insurrection! (Our tools were Rudimentary, Yet We Pressed On) by Kara Walker, an American artist. She cut the paper black figures (her trademark) and pasted them on the white walls. The backgrounds are light projections.

Basta, ang galing. When Kara Walker makes a statement, she sure does it with style.

Ngayon, kilala na ninyo si Kara Walker. When people ask you who your favorite artist, say Kara Walker, and you'll sound ten times more intellectual than you really are. :D

Thursday, July 06, 2006

I missed my first class today. Whoopee. My alarm didn't go off. When I woke up, it was already 8:00, and my class was at 8:30. So natulog na naman ako. Hindi naman ako papasok na hindi pa naliligo. Eh kasi, may cute sa class ko. At classmate ko si Paula Peralejo. [Taaapoooos....?] Wala lang, sharing moment.

Econ 101 was boooring. Ended up filling out three pages of my journal. And I decorated the back cover of my journal. So productive naman yung morning ko.

Anyway, awhile ago, I hung out with the Econyo Crew at our org's tambayan. Maraming conyo sa Econ, at marami talaga sa org ko. I don't really like hanging out with them because I'm afraid that one day I would turn into one of them.

[Warning: I think I'm about to launch into a major rant session.]

The girls of the Econyo Crew are still in the I'm-a-biatch-and-biatches-are-hawt-and-I'm-proud-to-be-a-biatch faze. I outgrew that faze by the time I turned fifteen. And these girls are... eighteen? Nineteen? Seventeen, at the youngest. I don't know, they just make me sick. They're all.... shallow and immature flirts. They were fawning over [toot!] the other day. Almost puked in my bag.

The boys of the Econyo Crew are just as bad. Most of them are humongous snobs. Yung iba, sobrang pangit pero feeling gwapo.

Mabait naman sila. Sa akin. Although I feel that they're talking about me whenever my back is turned, they shower me with compliments: "Oh, I love your bag!", "Cute shoes!", etc. etc.

Sorry, I'm being unfair. Some of them are actually genuinely nice, and I enjoy their company. I think I just snapped when I saw some of them making fun of our applicants' pictures. I don't see how they can like themselves when they think poking fun people's appearances is entertaining. It's not nice. It's mean and stupid and so... so... immature.

I don't see the reason why they feel like they have to bring other people down. Shouldn't they have outgrown that back in high school? Gosh, we're freaking college sophomores already.

Basta, naiinis lang ako sa mga taong ganyan. Tumahimik lang ako at nagbasa ng textbook.

I'm not depressed anymore. Let's all forget about that. What helped me get over myself?

My super-duper secret is... my journal. Highly therapeutic, it is. I don't usually turn to friends when I get sad. All I need is me, myself, and a nice pen.

Yesterday I spent an hour at Burger King just writing and writing and writing. And then I realized that I just had to let go of... the thing. Basta.

So yun.

Hay naiinis pa rin ako sa kanila.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Wee! As you can see, I have added a new portion to my blog. Wala lang. I wasn't actually planning on adding anything, but last night I while I was waiting for some people to send me the guide questions for the essay due... um... TODAY [no-one sent them by the way, ehem ehem, so I'm going to have to rush it later], I did it out of pure boredom. So there. May spotlight space na ako sa blog ko. And I added a picture sa profile ko. Kaso lang, di nakikita face ko. It's not that I don't want to show my face, nasusuka lang ako sa itsura ko sa mga photos ko, alam mo yun, naka-tilt yung head, tapos super pacute pa yung smile, tapos yung iba nakahiga sa bed, tapos yung iba sa mirror, yung iba seryoso daw pero nagpapacute pa rin, yung iba hindi seryoso pero nagpapacute talaga... [obvious ba na grabe talaga akong magpacute sa camera? Hehehe...]. Anyway, I'm saving you all the horror of looking at my pacute photos. Kaya ... TA-DAAAAH! Mukha akong iced tea.

Anyway, I hate to admit this, pero medyo depressed nga ako ngayon. I'm trying not to let it get to me, but I really can't help thinking about it... GahwhyamIpostingthisCHANGETOPIC!

I miss my mom. I was brushing my teeth awhile ago and she just suddenly came to my mind. I don't know why. Then I missed my dad. And my dog. [Di na yung kapatid ko, pangit siya. - PEACE JOSH!] I don't get homesick often because my full schedule will not permit me to wallow in self-pity. Maybe there's something about brushing your teeth that makes you think about... stuff.

Actually, when I was brushing my teeth, I though a lot abo-CHANGETOPIC!

I'm the only person on the planet who hasn't watched the new Superman movie. Everywhere I go, from other people's blogs to the girls' CR at Palma Hall, that's what they're talking about. Heyheyhey, I'm the only person on the planet who hasn't watched X-men 3! Only a couple of years ago, I was updated. I watched the movies everyone else watched. But now... well... how can I put it... I haven't even watched King Kong for Pete's sake!

Man oh man I need to watch a movie.

To console myself, at least I know my music. Regretfully, I've heard Paris Hilton's new single. And I've watched the video. I thought it was actually pretty funny, but the scary thing is, I think people will actually take her seriously and actually like the stupid song.

Need to write myself a two-page reaction paper. Good luck na lang sa akin. Bye.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Just came back from our committee (what a tricky word, took me ages to figure out if I spelled it right or not) meeting. I am now officially head of our new literary board and our Friday afternoon talks. At first, I was kind of freaked out because I couldn't understand why they suddenly decided to put all this responsibility in my hands, and then I remembered, that - oh yeah - I'm the features and literary editor, dimwit.

I'm supposed to post one of my literary works every month. Problem is, I don't have any on me. Except for that fictional episode I did for CW10. Which means, I have to start writing seriously again. Problem is, I have no inspiration. Actually, medyo obvious nga sa mga blog posts ko ngayon. I'm running out of things to rant about. I need to find myself a muse (someone help me out here, what's the male counterpart of muse, if there is one?), or I'll end up writing about nothing but love [nooooo!], because that's the only topic my burned out brain can write about [a love story doesn't require much thinking].

Oh, I'm going to help Karen interview an Ecosoc alumus later. He composed the Ecosoc song [which no-one remembers the tune of]. Funnily enough, I'm excited.

Aaaaaanyway... onto my Miss Suave moment of the day.
Upperclassman (who happens to be really hot!): Hi, 'nung ginagawa mo dito?
Me (starry-eyed): Uh... uh... uh... Hi.

My voice broke mid-hi. I mumble some feeble excuse and run to the bathroom to bang my head on the black marble counter.
Ah, my life... Not a day passes by without me humiliating myself in one way or another. [Sigh.]

Sorry, but that's all I can manage to cough up today. Like I said, I am uninspired. Hay.

Monday, July 03, 2006

I wasn't able to post yesterday because of my full schedule. [What can I say? I'm a popular girl.]

Anyway, I have finally set foot on the much-talked-about SM Mall of Asia. My verdict? It's big, but other than that, it's just like any other SM mall. I'm not saying that the place was 100% horrible [ows?], it's just that I wasn't impressed. The view was gorgeous, and it almost seemed like a crime to me to put that huge white mall beside the sea. They could have attempted to make it look less like an invader, but no. Oh, well, that's life in the Philippines. Develop all the open space in the country until the whole nation is filled with identical white malls. Who needs trees? And [ick] grass? Give us more malls! The people want more malls I tell you! The more space it occupies, the better!

Yes, I am bitter because no-one wants to watch the new Superman movie with me on the IMAX theatre. It's in freaking 3D! Who would be crazy enough to pass on something like that? Apparentely, aaaall my friends. And even my sister. Why? Whyyyy? [Damn you Salazaaaaar!]

And now... onto sports. [*defensive* What? I do know about sports, ex-squeeze me.]

Brazil is out. *Japanese* Unburibaburah! (translation: Unbelievable!)

Manny Pacquiao won.
[And here I am, announcing it as if there's a Filipino in the country who doesn't know about it.] You know what this means. More endorsments. More billboards. More commercials. You're probably all sick of him as well, so I'm going to shut up now, because everywhere you turn, on every channel/newspaper/magazine, he's there, and it wouldn't be a very nice thing to find that he has also invaded my blog, now would it? [To Manny fans, I'm sorry, but - my gawd - he has his own album!]

Shutting up, shutting up.

*inhales* Okay.

Stat 101 is driving me crazy. Today's the deadline for our problem sets and the last problem is really bugging me. I'm placing it here, just in case some of you freaks... er... exceptionally smart people [hehe] want to solve it.

A property insurer with a large number of policies identifies the level of damage when a claim occurs as low, medium or high. 30% of claims received are low damage claims, 60% are medium and 10% are high. Out of three independently occurring claims on the insurer, what is the probability of at least one is a high damage claim?

If, one of you freaks... er... exceptionally smart people [hehe] know the answer, and it is NOT ten percent, don't share your answers [however wonderful they may be] with me, and just tell me, "Yes, you got the right answer. Don't worry about your grade. You'll pass Stat101 with flying colors. Even though your professor has you blacklisted and hates your guts."

Plug: Oh, I'm so proud of my brother. He updated his blog. Hehehehe, la lang. Sharing moment.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

You Have a Melancholic Temperament

Introspective and reflective, you think about everything and anything.
You are a soft-hearted daydreamer. You long for your ideal life.
You love silence and solitude. Everyday life is usually too chaotic for you.

Given enough time alone, it's easy for you to find inner peace.
You tend to be spiritual, having found your own meaning of life.
Wise and patient, you can help people through difficult times.

At your worst, you brood and sulk. Your negative thoughts can trap you.
You are reserved and withdrawn. This makes it hard to connect to others.
You tend to over think small things, making decisions difficult.
What Temperment Are You?

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Ideally, weekends were made for students to take a break. You, know, catch up on life. But when you go to UP, and your twenty units are getting the better of you, and you can't understand your Econ 101 prof because he can't teach, you end up spending your weekend cooped up in your room studying.

I dreamt of intermediate and final goods and national income accounting last night. Not exaggerating. That's what happens to you when you force yourself to read two chapters of Mankiw's Principles of Economics and one chapter of Macroeconomics by Dornbusch, Fischer and Startz (DIE! DIE! DIE!). I need a break, but I need to finish all that I have to do so I can go out tomorrow.

Man, I still have to answer some problem sets for Stat101.

I hate this life.

Why do I have to go to school anyway? Why don't I just marry a really rich old guy? [D'oh, Bill Gates is taken.] Why must I subject myself to such stress?

Enough about school. Gah. Pati rin ba sa blog ko, yun lang yung pinapag-usapan? [Hindi ako papayag! Hindeeeeeeh! Wag po! Wag po!]

<percussions="drum roll"> ABRUPT TOPIC CHANGE! </percussions>

Everyone has guilty pleasures, right? [If not, I'm about to really embarass myself on that presumption.] Here are some of mine:

  1. Sappy movies - from Meg Ryan to Audrey Hepburn to Molly Ringwald, sappy movies are something that I just can't stop loving. Sometimes when I think that God should have made me a boy instead of a girl, I remember that - wait a second, I enjoy watching Breakfast at Tiffany's - and then I know that, yes, God didn't make a mistake. <voice mode="Pinocchio"> I'm a real girl! </voice>
  2. Underwear - AND SOCKS! I love bright, stripy socks a la Pippy Longstockings. And boyshorts. The problem with cute underwear is I get this urge to show everyone what I'm wearing, and *ponders* I don't think that's a socially accepted thing to do.
  3. Reading Mankiw instead of Dornbusch, Fischer and Startz (DFS) - DFS is BOOOOORING, but most of my prof's lectures come from DFS. I read two chapters of Mankiw for every chapter I read of DFS. [We actually study this pattern in Microeconomics, in Preferences - Chapter 3 of Varian - to compensate for the anchovies on the pizza, you have to provide for twice as much pepperoni... Man, I really need a break.]
  4. Reading really bad [stuff] online - I'm evil, but this is a guilty pleasure list, and without a truly evil guilty pleasure, you might as well cross out the "guilty" and leave the list as "pleasures". I just love reading really bad grammar and people who are trying to be really deep but are DEFINITELY not succeeding at it. Some people take these blogs too seriously and bash the blogger on his/her tagboard, but that's not my style. I'm the cock-head-back-and-laugh-an-evil-laugh kind of person. Oh! And you know what my favorite is? Poetry! You know, stuff like this:

    despair by donya quixote

    woe is me
    i am alone with my tears

    i cling onto the remnants of

    broken dreams

    the sorrow and melancholy
    the solitude

    and seclusion
    crush my soul

    i weep

    Boohoo! Boohoo! Poor me! (YEAH WE GET IT, YOU'RE SAD! DON'T BRING US DOWN WITH YOU IN YOUR WHIRLING VORTEX OF... DESPAIR!) My gulay. [Yes, I'm evil. Yes, you may now call me all the names that you want, but *uuuuy* you know I'm riiiight. Writing that was fun. Took me two minutes. I wanna do another one, but I've run out of synonyms for sadness.] *braces self for hate mail*
  5. Drinking the leftover sauce from isaw - to those unfamiliar with the street food, the concoction is made of vinegar, some kind of sweet sauce, and chili peppers. And when I'm done eating the chicken intestines, I take a sip of the evil brew. [This is where you wince.] *Ngyeow!*

Okay, back to the books.