Saturday, July 01, 2006

Ideally, weekends were made for students to take a break. You, know, catch up on life. But when you go to UP, and your twenty units are getting the better of you, and you can't understand your Econ 101 prof because he can't teach, you end up spending your weekend cooped up in your room studying.

I dreamt of intermediate and final goods and national income accounting last night. Not exaggerating. That's what happens to you when you force yourself to read two chapters of Mankiw's Principles of Economics and one chapter of Macroeconomics by Dornbusch, Fischer and Startz (DIE! DIE! DIE!). I need a break, but I need to finish all that I have to do so I can go out tomorrow.

Man, I still have to answer some problem sets for Stat101.

I hate this life.

Why do I have to go to school anyway? Why don't I just marry a really rich old guy? [D'oh, Bill Gates is taken.] Why must I subject myself to such stress?

Enough about school. Gah. Pati rin ba sa blog ko, yun lang yung pinapag-usapan? [Hindi ako papayag! Hindeeeeeeh! Wag po! Wag po!]

<percussions="drum roll"> ABRUPT TOPIC CHANGE! </percussions>

Everyone has guilty pleasures, right? [If not, I'm about to really embarass myself on that presumption.] Here are some of mine:

  1. Sappy movies - from Meg Ryan to Audrey Hepburn to Molly Ringwald, sappy movies are something that I just can't stop loving. Sometimes when I think that God should have made me a boy instead of a girl, I remember that - wait a second, I enjoy watching Breakfast at Tiffany's - and then I know that, yes, God didn't make a mistake. <voice mode="Pinocchio"> I'm a real girl! </voice>
  2. Underwear - AND SOCKS! I love bright, stripy socks a la Pippy Longstockings. And boyshorts. The problem with cute underwear is I get this urge to show everyone what I'm wearing, and *ponders* I don't think that's a socially accepted thing to do.
  3. Reading Mankiw instead of Dornbusch, Fischer and Startz (DFS) - DFS is BOOOOORING, but most of my prof's lectures come from DFS. I read two chapters of Mankiw for every chapter I read of DFS. [We actually study this pattern in Microeconomics, in Preferences - Chapter 3 of Varian - to compensate for the anchovies on the pizza, you have to provide for twice as much pepperoni... Man, I really need a break.]
  4. Reading really bad [stuff] online - I'm evil, but this is a guilty pleasure list, and without a truly evil guilty pleasure, you might as well cross out the "guilty" and leave the list as "pleasures". I just love reading really bad grammar and people who are trying to be really deep but are DEFINITELY not succeeding at it. Some people take these blogs too seriously and bash the blogger on his/her tagboard, but that's not my style. I'm the cock-head-back-and-laugh-an-evil-laugh kind of person. Oh! And you know what my favorite is? Poetry! You know, stuff like this:

    despair by donya quixote

    woe is me
    i am alone with my tears

    i cling onto the remnants of

    broken dreams

    the sorrow and melancholy
    the solitude

    and seclusion
    crush my soul

    i weep

    Boohoo! Boohoo! Poor me! (YEAH WE GET IT, YOU'RE SAD! DON'T BRING US DOWN WITH YOU IN YOUR WHIRLING VORTEX OF... DESPAIR!) My gulay. [Yes, I'm evil. Yes, you may now call me all the names that you want, but *uuuuy* you know I'm riiiight. Writing that was fun. Took me two minutes. I wanna do another one, but I've run out of synonyms for sadness.] *braces self for hate mail*
  5. Drinking the leftover sauce from isaw - to those unfamiliar with the street food, the concoction is made of vinegar, some kind of sweet sauce, and chili peppers. And when I'm done eating the chicken intestines, I take a sip of the evil brew. [This is where you wince.] *Ngyeow!*

Okay, back to the books.