Friday, July 28, 2006

I call this post: The Way We Were: A Tribute to Boy Bands

I must be suicidal. I told myself that I wouldn't install The Sims [Hail! The Sims!] on my laptop because my academics would reap the consequences. But look what I've done. I have reintroduced Zuma [Hail! Zuma!] to my life. And this is coming from the girl who gets distracted by FreeCell [Hail! FreeCell!].

Mabuhay ang bangag.

Just visited, and guess what? Lance Bass (from N'Sync) has finally come out. Yes, girls, he is in a "stable relationship" with 32-year-old actor Reichen Lehmkuhl, winner of season four of The Amazing Race.

I always knew something was up with the guy. His eyebrows are neater than mine.

I have to tell my sister. He was her favorite N'Syncer. Poor Ate Rory... Bwahahahaha...

I was never an N'Sync fan - the only boy band I really, truly loved was 5ive... a loooong loooong time ago... Haaay.

Whatever happened to 5ive, anyway? [I think they've broken up.] Yep, I think you're right.

Why does everyone hate boy bands? I mean, sure, their music has to be the cheesiest of cheese, and all their lyrics are basically the same, and they all wear matching outfits and they all dance and it's just so... bizaare... but that doesn't really make them hateable for me. Just cute. Kinda like a really good looking freak show.

I think I just miss boy bands. They don't make music like that nowadays. [My hat goes off to the Backstreet Boys, who have stuck it out all these years - thank you for staying with us. P.S. Marry me, Kevin.] Now it's all sissy-punk boy bands. Nagpapanggap na rockers, but we all know that deep inside, they are boy bands, ashamed of their true colors.

Confession: This post is making me hungry for boy band music. Am downloading music by 5ive as I am typing this. I am going to listen to boy band music and I am not ashamed!

I think after listening to too much rock for so long, I need to go back to my roots. [Note to self: Must download stuff by Aqua. Or maybe not.]

Got the Feeling is playing! SING ALONG! [If you got the feelin', jump to the ceiling, ah we're getting down tonight. 1 if you wanna, 2 if you're gonna, 3 cos everything's alright...]

Okay, now I'm starting to scare myself.

[Just realized, J's voice is uncannily similar to that rapper from Gorillaz. Wow.]