Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I have been staring at him for hours now, and I have come to this conclusion: The Silver Surfer is hot. Probably the hottest superhero there is. I used to be a Flash groupie, but now I know that he cannot compare to the Sentinel of the Spaceways... *sigh* I mean, look at him! He's... shiny. And he rides a surfboard. What more could you ask for, right?

[The reason why I have been subject to excessive exposure to his sculpted abdomen is... I have finished my powerpoint presentation for Web Surfing. And my theme is...*ta-daaaah!* none other than my most favoritest superhero.] I'm done with my presentation, but I still have the Silver Surfer. Wallpaper ko na siya ngayon. Bwahahahaha. [None of my friends know who the Silver Surfer is. When Ann saw the picture on my wallpaper, she was like, "Iceman?" Tsk tsk tsk... Kids these days.]

Teeheeheehee. I swear I just saw him wink at me. [Kinikilig sa cartoon, tama ba yun?]

Because of the Silver Surfer, I missed two of my classes. The first one, FA 28, because I had to finish the presentation, and the second one, Stat 101, because I fell asleep and when I woke up it was too late. [I stayed up all night researching, until 3AM, because my dorm decided to hold these stupid meetings last night. So it wasn't actually the Surfer's fault that I missed my classes, it was my dorm. He's innocent, I tell you.]

Tomorrow, I plan on going jogging. Planning on going jogging is very different from actually going jogging. Let's see if I decide to follow through tomorrow.

Why am I going jogging in the first place? Well, I have more than perfected the waif look, and I would really love to have some flesh on my bones so everyone can stop wondering if I'm bulimic or something [at the rate I eat, no-one would suspect anorexia, so it must be bulimia, right?]. I'm jogging to gain weight. Yep, I know it sounds weird, but my dad said that jogging would increase my appetite, and I'd gain weight. Eventually. But my gosh, the pain! The pain! The weezing and aches and cramps and... PAIN I will have to face!

Mixing exercise and me is like... eating chocolate-covered pizza - it's just not right. I suck at athletics. The last time I recall being really good at PE is when I was ten or eleven. Now, I'm a joke; at my org's Sports Fest, I signed up for pick-up sticks [not kidding, pick-up sticks talaga yung event ko]. Last year at Kalai, I signed up for the Yearbook Committee so I would be saved from participating in a sport. [I originally planned on joining the Pusoy Dos tournament, but someone beat me to it. D'oh.]

I don't think I'm meant to exercise. Last time I tried riding a bike, I crashed. And it wasn't your typical everyday crash, it was one of those oh-my-gosh-I'm-gonna-careen-into-that-oncoming-vehicle-and-die kind of crash. I don't want to imagine what could have happened if I wasn't wearing a helmet, but one can't help but think about such things. Anyway, I haven't ridden a bike ever since. I don't think I will for a while. Every time I see a bike go past me, I get the heebie-jeebies. And sometimes when I'm walking down that road, I still feel myself falling... *shudders* it's not a good feeling, believe me.

Last time I tried jogging... hmmm... I don't remember the last time I tried jogging. Hehehe. The last sport I played was... badminton. Or frisbee. Not sure. All I'm sure of is that it was last year. And I ended up with a really bad arm cramp. I don't have a PE subject, so this sem has been totally devoid of exercise.

I've never played basketball in my life. Never played volleyball in my life. I like the fact that I can use my violin to get out of games - "I can't play, it would ruin my wrist... er... bummer."

Anyway, what was my point again? Ah yes, I'm planning on going jogging tomorrow. Yun lang.