delusional [?] The not-so-official blog of Donya Quixote. Feedback is very much welcome and appreciated. sounds of the summer "I don't need the sunshine donya quixote
reader log the past Symphony in the Key of C-minor Credits Art: DQ + some brushes from... all over the place. |
Friday, July 07, 2006
Wow. I am amazed. I have finally attracted hate-mail for the first time. Techinically, I wouldn't call it hate-mail cause it was in my comments, but I don't know what term you have for hate-comments (?). Spam? Nah. Aanyway, the weird thing is, I didn't think my previous post was particulary offensive. Maybe my post about being exasperated with Pacquiao. Or even my anti-emo post back in my old blog. But not me being annoyed with some girls at my org because they made fun of some of our applicants. (Read it. I still don't get how it could be offensive. Unless you happen to be a member of my org. And you like making making up really rude nicknames for people who don't dress, talk, and act like you. Oh dear, panu kung ganun nga? Tun-tun-tuuuuun...) I don't get it. And yes, to whoever commented, I have read To Kill A Mockingbird. And strangely enough, I'm not mad. Slightly offended, but not mad. When you're told to "get over yourself" and you're not in the least bit offended, there must be something wrong with you. Look at the bright side - if I'm attracting hate-comments (what the HECK is the right term?), that means that I'm attracting readers of all shapes, sizes, and reading comprehension levels. [Eye for an eye, baby. Haha.]