Tuesday, July 11, 2006

My friend recently got out of a relationship. I didn't know how to comfort her, didn't know what to say. I just shut up and hugged her as she cried her eyes out. Sometimes the best thing you can do is just be there. But the whole time, I was in awe of her capability to cry out so freely... to be so... uninhibited.

Anyhoo... I have a party to attend later - the much awaited Econ Acquaintance Party. I'm going because I was pushed into our batch's performance. And yes, for the food.

I hate parties. I would rather hole up in my room with my laptop, or a good book. Heck, I'd rather study. Yes, I am a hermit. I dream of Robinson Crusoe's lifestyle. I had a scheduled interview with an alumnus of my organization tonight, but apparentely, I'm more needed in the party.

So there.

*Sigh* Party I must.

The food better be good.

Good news. My dorm will finally have internet on the fifteenth. Which means, no more internet cafes and their annoying web browsers. (Firefox is FREE, people!!! FREE!) Theoretically, as a result of the (almost) unlimited internet access, my posts will get better. I apologize for my recent posts. My writing's been really sucky recently.

Oooh! I got an ego boost awhile ago that I just have to share with everyone in the world. [Just humor me here, I don't get these ego boosts very often anymore.] This guy told me that I looked like a... a... a... *inhales* commercial model for shampoo or something. (Obviously, he needs to get his eyes looked at - my hair was at its zenith of buhaghag-ness - but yeah, let's pretend for a second that he wasn't blind and I really looked hot.)