Saturday, May 19, 2007

I call this post: Home At the dorm on a Saturday [BGmusic: Without You by Bic Runga]

It's been a while since I've stayed at here on a weekend. I've forgotten how boring it is. I miss camping class. [sigh] Anyway, the good thing about dorming is that someone always has a DVD available for my viewing pleasure. Right now I'm in the middle of Hana Yori Dango, which isn't usually the kind of thing I watch but like I said, I'm bored. It's a fun show. Ooh, and I watched The Breakup for the first time last night. I suddenly have a thing for Vince Vaughn, which is weird, but understandable, because he reminds me of - someone [yak].

Summer's ending. I have nothing else to do now that I've finished the first draft for my CW110 class. My turn for workshop isn't until Tuesday, so until then I won't be doing much revising.

Anyway, something to talk about...

Oh yes, I think I talked about this already, but starting this June, my whole family will be based in Quezon City. My dad just retired/quit from the AFP; he's going to be facilitating a new program in ISOT [International School of Theology] now. So it's bye-bye Baguio, goodbye to Q1031 - the house I spent the majority of my life in, hello heat and smog for us. I hope I won't cry too much. When I get home next week [?] I'm not going to be doing a lot of stuff other than sorting out which of my things I want to keep and which I want to throw away. It's going to be really hard for me because I keep a lot of junk around just because of sentimental value. [For example, I have a bowl of pebbles I can't bring myself to throw away because of what they mean, even though I keep them under my bed because I can't bear looking at them.] And there's 19 years of junk in my room. [Sigh.]

I've always thought about what it would be like if I was deeply rooted in a place. I mean, I've moved enough times to be alienated from people my life once revolved around. I've gone to six schools before UP, and I've always been "the girl who moved to _____". It's happening again, so it looks like I'll always be that girl. Sometimes I can't help but feel jealous towards those people who have stayed in the same house since forever, or those people who have gone to the same school since kindergarten - those guys have roots. They have childhood friends they still talk to, they don't feel all awkward around their grade school classmates. My only constants are my family and God. I'm not saying they're not sufficient, it's just that - it's sad.

And the streets of Metro Manila have too many names for me. But I'll get used to that. Eventually. I know.

Hay buhay.


To those who have asking about what happened to Prince Foamday [yes, that will be what I'll be calling him from now on]: To summarize, he doesn't see me. I won't go as far as to saying that he doesn't know I exist, but he doesn't see me. Anyway, I'm sure there will be many more posts about Prince Foamday. Abangan.


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