Monday, October 16, 2006

I call this post: Morning has Broken [BGmusic: Birdsong.]

Since this sem is over, I'm going to dedicate this post [almost] entirely to the first semester of my second year here in UP.

I can't say that I'm going to miss this sem. In fact, I'm sure that I won't. In fact, it would probably be forgotten years from now and I'd most definitely struggle to remember what subjects I took his sem. So, anyway, I'm going to dissect the last semester into its high points and low points. Ahem ahem.

  • I got into Ilang-ilang. During the enrollment period I had no idea where I was going to stay during the school year. I was recommended to Molave, this other dorm in campus, but [they said that] all the slots were taken because there was [supposed to be] a renovation going on. [The renovation never happened, but I'm glad I got into Ilang.] Ilang may not be the most fun dorm on campus, but it's definitely the nicest looking. I won't go on describing what it looks like - you can visit it during our open house in February. *wink
  • Being able to get even closer to my closest friends through our faith. A lot of my friends have recently discovered the true meaning of salvation and what it really means. I love talking to them about it, and I love watching them grow in their relationships with God. The funny thing is, I didn't lift a finger to "convert" them. All I did was pray for them, and really, ang galing lang talaga ni God, he touched their hearts and now they're new people. :)
  • I created this purple headress for my fine arts class. I like creating stuff. Anyway that brought me back to grade school days, with the Elmer's glue, rhinestones, and sticky fingers. [Picture to follow]
  • This crazy night.
  • STS class [Science and Technology in Society, for those of you who aren't from UP] and working on my project. I actually had fun [even though the class seemed was pretty pointless]. And shooting for our first report was fun.
  • Dropping a subject for the first time.
  • Losing friends. I've lost two this sem. One I lost forever. And I really don't know what to do with the other one.
  • Being publicly humiliated [slight exaggeration] by my Stat101 prof. You can read about it here and here.
That's basically it. I guess why I'm not going to miss this sem is because nothing significant happened to me. No milestones. Well, maybe some big things did happen, but as you can see, they were horrible. My "HIGH" list may be longer than my "LOW" list, but the latter affected my sem more than the previous.

Next sem's going to be different. I got all my subjects via CRS [computerized registration system], so that means I won't have to suffer through the endless queues during enrollment. I R so happy. I've got a feeling that I'll like the next sem more than all ones that preceded. [Woah, was that me talking? I haven't sounded this optimistic since... ever!]

Yes, my blog has a new look. Well, it's not so new because I've always had a brown and orange layout [except for the last month, when I just needed a little change]. This layout was inspired by a song from Switchfoot, Let that Be Enough. It's not actually supposed to look like this. I had something more complicated in mind, but I got too frustrated because my code wouldn't work, so I simplified it.

I'm packing my things later today. I'm going home soon! Yes! [I got Grey's Anatomy DVDs to keep me company for the first week. After that I'm going to a CCC camp in Los Banos, and after that I'm going back to Baguio and do whatever I feel like doing. Woohoo!]