Friday, February 02, 2007

I call this post: FOUL! [BGmusic: nuffink. Roommates are sleeping. Mustn't wake them.]

Before I start, I'd like to thank Karla for bringing this... matter to my attention. Oh, and Erik kasi mali yung link ko noon.

She told me that someone had copied my template. I didn't really think that it was such a big deal, but I checked it out anyway. The first thing that came to my mind when I saw it was, "Okay, so someone copied my code. Poor unfortunate unoriginal soul." It didn't really disturb me, until...

...I read the sidebar. And oh, deary me, look at this:

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, you are looking at my oh-so-very-official welcome message.

But wait, there's more!

I made that Ricebowl Journals button online. I made that Pixelbureau button on photoshop. [Note what I put in the Pixelbureau button. *singing* Isn't it ironic? Donchathink?] Just so that it would fit in to my color scheme. Oh, and check out the featured song.

But wait, there's more!

Look, wala na yung credits!

And here's the REAL star of the show.

Yes, "DQ => middle child". Wonderful job. Wonderful. Not only did s/he(?) mutilate my template with the horrible background mosaic and equally horrible color scheme [don't get me wrong, I like pink and green but s/he(?) didn't do it right], s/he(?) COPIED MY SIDEBAR. I mean, I can understand how someone would want to copy a template and tweak it here and there to make it appear original, because not everyone knows html, right? But copying my sidebar is just... wrong! Those are my words! I mean, they're not profound, life-changing or anything, but they're mine.


The worst part of it is, s/he(?) kept the last line, the letters I typed in BOLD, and probably doesn't know how much love there is in that. How can someone copy-paste someone else's declaration of faith and make it so impersonal? How can you take God so lightly? How can you take something beautiful, something wonderful, and make it just as dull as everything else?

I guess we can look to friendster for similar behavior. People put "Bible" in their favorite books list, even though they probably haven't read it in a decade. They put "I love my parents, my friends, oh, and God.", even though their lives tell the world otherwise. What are you trying to achieve? What are you trying to prove? Who are you trying to impress? Don't you know that what you're doing is like... spray painting the Mona Lisa? [Got that illustration from Saving my First Kiss - I'm citing my source because it's only right.]

That is one of the main reasons why we have so many skeptics in this age. Why Christianity has almost become synonymous to going to church on Sundays and praying before eating and nothing else.

People, quit the faking. Look for the real thing. You want to put the Bible on your list of favorite books? Be my guest. And read it. You say you love God? Show it. Don't just say it. Don't copy-paste what someone else said just because it makes you look good.


I'm sorry if I sound too outraged at that one line, but it was almost like a slap in the face, seeing those three words on someone else's blog.

But no, I'm not angry. Well, not too angry. I feel cheated and... really, really cheated, but not angry. Hindi ko muna papatulan. 13 years old pa ang bata. But I will have to tell her/him(?) to change her/his(?) template sooner or later. I'm not changing mine just because somebody copied it. I'm still thinking of a way to say it without sounding mean, because even though I'm really pissed off right now, being mean is never the right way to do things.

But if you guys want to be mean on her/his(?) blog, be my guest. KIDDING! Wag nalang. Let's just see if s/he(?) comes back to the scene of the crime and reads this post.

To "Freets": If you are reading this post, acknowledge me. I give you the permission to be as rude as you want. I just want to know if you've read this. I would love it if you would apologize, but I'm not expecting too much, so I forgive you anyway [because grudges=wrinkles! ;)]. Oh, and go to People there actually want you to use their codes. [P.S. Your "Ate Irish" worship - as in Irish Fullerton, whoever she is - is freaky. Not cute, not endearing, frightening. Just thought you should know.]

Pahabol. I wasn't sure if the blogger was a boy or a girl, but I went back to the site and people, she's a she. Wala lang. Now I just feel sorry for her.
