Tuesday, January 09, 2007

I call this post: Oyah [BGmusic: nothing]

I'm back! You better have missed me, blogworld.

First of all, I'm sorry for not updating any sooner - there was something seriously wrong with our internet connection here at the dorm, and because of that, accessing Blogger was impossible. But now, it's not so bad. There's still something wrong with it, but I'll survive with this speed.

So, anyway, what have I been up to lately? [I hear you ask.]

  • As you can see, I have a new layout. Reminiscent of The Aftertaste - it has its funky feel. Probably because...
  • ...I've been doing a lot of reminiscing lately. When I was home I was reading my old journals, looking through old photo albums [see my photo at the sidebar and marvel at how cute I used to be], and other similar activities. Probably because there was nothing better to do.
  • Went to Cabanatuan last weekend for a friend's birthday. Was very, very fun indeed.
  • Since my internet connection is still kinda sucky, I have to apologize to those people I have been chatting with for suddenly disappearing in the middle of a conversation. See, I just get disconnected out of the blue. Nakakaasar nga. Oh, and if your comments are hosted by blogger, I can't comment on your blogs right now, because of this @*&(*$#&(#&$ connection!!!! [Okay, lost my cool.... easy.... inhale... exhale...]
  • Christmas was nice. We didn't do anything that special, but it was nice spending it with my family. And friends.
  • New Year's Eve/Day wasn't bad either.
  • Josh [that's my little brother] passed the ACET. Hooray for him! ^_^ I can breathe a little easier - it seems that I'm the only one who feels nervous for him. Hay, UPCAT na lang.
  • The stressful part of the semester has begun! Bring on the deadlines and the exams! Aja! Aja! Fighting! And that is why...
...That's all I have time for right now. Will post a more decent update soon. Mwah. [I missed you, blog!]

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