Thursday, December 07, 2006

I call this post: Rescue Me [BGmusic: Tiny Vessels - Death Cab for Cutie]

Chivalry is so not dead.

Awhile ago in the sheer excitement [and violence] of my Footsol class, I fell and grazed my knee for the first time in a loooong time. I thought I was long past the skinned knee phase, but it turns out that I'm still the same - yelling, "I'M FINE! I'M FINE!" only to realize minutes later that - ouch - that really really hurts.

Anyway, that was around 9:30 in the morning, and basically I limped through all my classes without stopping once to clean it [yes, I take so much care of my body *braces self for sermons*]. It was fun showing it to my classmates though [and hearing their 'ooh's, 'aah's, and 'ew's]. I love showing off scars, cuts, and bruises. [I actually don't mind getting scars, as long as they're cool, strategically positioned, and nowhere near my face.]

So, after my classes [4PM], I went straight to Molave [this on-campus dorm] because I needed to get it cleaned quick, and I knew that Eden had Betadine. But it turns out that she wasn't there. I didn't know this at the time, so I waited. And Kuya Ian comes out, on his way to class, and asks me what I was doing there. When I told him I was waiting for Eden and her Betadine, he takes one look at my knee, tells me to wait, and before I can say anything, he ventures inside on a brave quest for Betadine. He took quite a while, and I would have gone inside and told him to go to his class, but I don't like going inside Molave. [One of the girl RAs hates my guts. But that's another story.] When he finally came out, he had a bottle of alcohol with him and some cotton. I don't like putting alcohol on my wounds, but since he exerted so much effort to get it... I used it.

So he went off to his class, and there I was, alone in the kiosk with a bottle of rubbing alcohol [alone except for a little street kid who was pestering me to buy a scrunchie from him]. Then, as destiny would have it, Boris came along just as I was dabbing on the first drops of alcohol. [I learned something today. Alcohol + open wound = PAIN.] Since Boris was the only one present [besides the little street kid], I was free to abandon my ego and whimper like the injured puppy that I was. Then Boris tells me how to do it properly, since [surprise!] I was doing it all wrong. He tells me to pour the alcohol on the knee, and blow. And after I follow his oh-so-wise advice, he laughs at my [I'm sure quite endearing] reactions to the seering pain. If that was anyone else, I would have throttled him, but he was Boris, and Boris is special. [Teehee. Mwah mahal ko si Boris!]

But that isn't the end of my little adventure. Boggs [enter SFX: screams of fangirls], probably informed by Ian earlier, came out with a large cup containing Betadine and the frothy stuff I forgot the name of. He would have cleaned my wound himself, but I was like, "Icandoitmyselfthankyou." [I learned something else today. The frothy stuff hurts.]

Anyway, I felt so special and frail [ha!] and ladylike [HA!]... three guys [four, if you include the little street kid], all concerned about my knee's wellbeing. It was just a little cut [hey, it still hurt], but they still attended to me like my leg was about to fall off.

Henceforth, I shall call them...

If any of you out there know these guys, don't tell them I wrote about them, or photoshopped their friendster photos. I don't want them to stop coming to my rescue. :P

Poo, ngayon ko lang nakita na "Shinig" yung nakalagay. Ah well, what's done is done [in other words, I've flattened the image and no way am I doing it all over again].

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