Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I call this post: On change [BGmusic: Another Little Hole]

Erratic thought #1:


Wow, I'm posting today even though I already posted yesterday. It's been a while since my last consecutive posts.

Erratic thought #2:
I have changed.

A lot. I was browsing through my old blogs yesterday, and besides that sad I-wish-I-could-go-back-to-that-time feeling, the I-wish-I-didn't-do-that thoughts, and the wow-I-am-funny-after-all realizations, was the awareness that I have changed in ways I thought I never would.

Want some elaboration? [For my posts in my Kalayaan blog, you have to click on the "read the blog" button"]
[5.7.05] Here's me annoyed at my parents for the rules they set up for me [i.e. no boyfriends until you're 43, only group dates, blah blah blah]. And [4.23.05] here's me contradicting myself. I was a very confused girl. I'm [not so] confused anymore, so don't worry [too much] about me.

[7.16.05] Here's some more confusion. [Warning: this post does not sound like me at all, because this was during my - what's the word... ah yes - emo phase.]

Aha! [9.29.05] This was... hehehe... if you get it, laugh/sigh/cry with me. If you don't get it, just pretend you do, and laugh/sigh/cry with me anyway.
I'm [a little] more grown up now. I still eat like a kid. I haven't gotten rid of the little mannerisms that everyone's been pestering me to grow out of [e.g. wiping my nose with my hand, for starters]. I will always be a little isip-bata, and I don't want to change that.

Erratic thought #3:
People change. Every day. Change like you. I've got all the time in the world. [Kanta!]

Yeah, people change. It's kind of funny, because before I was about to graduate from high school, people started telling me that I should never ever change. You may say that they liked me just the way I was [pfft!], which is great, but to not change is a difficult, if not impossible, thing to do when there are so many... externalities [uy, econ!] to take in.

We grow. That's the magical ceremony that occurs when you give humans enough water and sunshine.

And with that growth, comes the growth that occurs in our relationships. Sometimes, we grow apart. Sometimes, we grow even closer to each other. Sometimes, we think we are growing apart only to find that the distance has only made our bond even stronger. [Am I making any sense here?]

I know that friends come and go. The friends I have right now may not be the same friends I have ten years from now. It's sad, but this knowledge has made me value the friendships that I still do have.

Erratic Thought #4:
This is for the Tribe.

I don't expect that many of you will read this [because hardly any of you ever drop by here - hmph *tampo*], but I just want you to know that I will always remember the way we were. Yes, I have changed. Yes, I know that you all have as well. But I will always know you as my high school friends, that group of obnoxious actors, writers, painters and photographers who dominated the front gardens during lunch time and paraded around the school like we were the kings and queens of the place. [Everyone hated us back then, remember? Now we've befriended our rivals, which is pretty funny.]

Back then we thought it would never end. And now, look at us. Maybe you don't agree with some of the decisions I've made the last couple of years, and maybe I don't agree with some of yours. But really, does it even matter? We're scattered all over the place, and our friendship isn't the same anymore.

But it's still there.

And I'm good with that.

Thank you for helping me re-learn Tagalog [I'm still working on my grammar - haha]. Thank you for showing me the wonders of street food. Thank you for helping me abandon of my pretentions and my elitista tendencies. Thank you for making me proud of the undeniable fact that God made me a little crazy. Thank you for showing me that going to a public school isn't so bad after all.

In the words of ee cummings,
i carry your heart with me (i carry it in
my heart)
I love you guys. [Ick! Too - sappy - must - escape.]

Happy Anniversary, mga Katribo.

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