Monday, November 27, 2006

I call this post: Ayuyeh [BGmusic: Save Me by Jem]

First of all, I want to apologize to everyone for not dropping by your blogs as often as I used to. School's... cool [wow, galing ng adjective], but it's taking up all my time. Which is actually a good thing, because it means that I'm actually studying. Sad thing is, I can't update this every day anymore. But I will still update. I love my blog too much to leave it to fester in the land of never-updated blogs.

Anyhow, the start of my day was interesting. See, since I dorm, when I take a shower, I bring a toiletries basket with me. Anyway, there I was taking a shower, imposing my wonderful vocal "skills" on the innocent bystanders brushing their teeth. Anyway, when I reached for the soap, under my soap dish, I saw two beady eyes looking at me and an little reptilian arm move.

I freaked out a little. Okay, a lot. I wouldn't be surprised if I woke up one or two people.

My little... er... monologue went a little like this:


Thank goodness for Abby [who was showering in the next cubicle], who scared the evil butiki away.

I hate butiki. Cockroaches, I can handle. Spiders? Ha! Spiders don't scare me at all. But butiki are just freaking scary.

Short post. Yeah. Well.... I swear the next one won't be. ^_^
