Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I call this post: Rescue Me [BGmusic: The Eleventh Hour by Jars of Clay]

Sorry about my last post. I had just come back from my Econ101 class so I was feeling more than a little ditzy. That class does that to me. Sir Medall has super powers - his droning voice can kill brain cells at an exponential rate.

Today I'm going to post about something that affects us all. I wouldn't call it a groundbreaking subject, but it's definitely a social issue [oh yes, oh yes *nods vigorously*].

Laundry - ah, don't you just hate the sound of that word? It's like nails against a blackboard, or polystyrene against polystyrene, or the sound of that annoying High School Musical song [yung "Soooooaaaariiiing, flyyyyyiiiiing..." GAAAH].

I guess not many of you share my plight, because I know that not many of you do your own laundry. Well, I do. Well, I give all my laundry to the laundromat. Except for my underwear. I don't do my laundry on a regular basis - only when I have nothing to wear, so that means I have to drag almost all my clothes outside. [I do it with a huge white duffel bag. All I need is a dollar sign on the bag and a black ski mask, and - voila - I'm your friendly neighborhood bank robber.]

But there's something about doing the laundry - okay - giving my laundry to someone to wash it for me - that makes me feel really pleased with myself. It's similar to the feeling I get when I mail a letter or when I go somewhere on my own for the first time - hey, look at me world, I'm a big girl!

When the laundry-people find themselves struggling with my "magic white bag", I also can't help but break into a sheepish grin. They seem amused at my inability to give laundry in small little installments, like all the "normal girls". Every time, Kuya Laundry [I've been giving my laundry to them for almost a year now and I still don't know their names] tries to make me feel not-so-awkward - "You're not as bad as this other guy. He has cats so he has to change five times a day."

I don't have cats. I'm just a slob.

And something else about laundry - can you believe that they write songs about it? Remember that really annoying song that went a little like this?
Soap, powder, bleach, towels, fabric softener, dollars,
Change, pants, socks, dirty drawers
I'm headed to the laundromat
So romantic. What a wonderful grasp of the English language that girl displayed.

But you've got to hand it to her - she could sing about laundry and attribute it to some little fight she had with her boyfriend. It takes a real poet to do that. [Ahem.]

Anyway... the whole point of this post was to lead to this sentence:

I still haven't done my laundry. I have nothing to wear. Graaaaugh.

Now that that's done, I'm off.