Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I call this post: Buko Juice (BGmusic: Bad Day by Daniel Powter)

When I get dismissed from my FA28 class, I am either (a) really happy, or (b) ticked off. Right now, it's the latter. I don't want to rant about it now. Let's save that topic for a mindblock day.

Anyway, I want to share something I've been keeping for the longest time from most people I know. Last month, this guy from Mass Comm approached me after our STS class and asked me - brace yourself - if I wanted to model for this show his org was sponsoring. I'm afraid I didn't respond very gracefully - I almost laughed in his face - but I gave him my number when he asked for it anyway. He texted me twice after that, the most recent last week. The show's on September 9, and since I really didn't want to subject myself to the humiliation that is bound to come, I told him that I couldn't make it because I had a field trip. Which is true. Except the field trip is next weekend. Oh, and it just got cancelled.

I'm just so pleased with myself for being so sneaky. I texted, "Sorry, I can't come this Saturday because I have a field trip next weekend." Technically, I didn't lie. Harharhar.

Okay, I'm evil. But I really didn't want to do it. I may look like a model (bwahahaha), but I walk like a duck, I swear. I'm too goofy to strut my stuff on a catwalk. Just thinking about it makes me snicker. Hyuk hyuk hyuk.

Bwahahaha. Ngehehehehhee. Hoo hoo hoo.



Anyway, it turns out that I am going to be busy this weekend. I'm probably going up to Baguio. Yey.

Wow I have nothing more to write.

This post is short.

Too short.

I know a lot of you find this kind of thing annoying, but I haven't done one of these in a way, so let me indulge myself. [And in the process, get to know me a little better... uuuy.]

Random Thought Provokers

What makes you laugh?:

I can laugh at almost anything. I laugh at the Backdorm Boys, I laugh at my Econ101 prof, I laugh at my brother, I laugh when I get tickled, etc.

Who is your hero?:

My mom. Corny. Sige, iba nalang. Audrey Hepburn. Just for being Audrey Hepburn.

Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?:

Takeshi Kaneshiro. *drool*

How many pairs of shoes do you own?:

I'm not too sure. Here in the dorm, I brought nine pairs with me. But I have some more at the house.

Seriously... Where does the other sock end up?:

My stalker steals it from the laundromat and adds it to his collection at my shrine [probably located at the back of his closet].

Who do you blame for your mood today?:

Myself. For not getting enough sleep.

If the Internet were sex... I would:

be a sex addict.

Have you ever seen a dead body?:

Um. Yeah.

What is something scientists need to invent?:

A cure for apathy. [Beauty pageant answer! Wooohoooo!]

What should we do with stupid people?:

Kill them all. Bwahahaha. Or extricate them from society and leave them on an island.

Have you ever broken a bone?:

Never. I want to break a bone eventually. Just a leg maybe. I just want to get a cast for people to sign. :D

Do you watch local news? Why?:

No. Because I don't watch TV. Why? I prefer the internet.

What happens after you die?:

People will cry. Dapat lang. And I'll be in heaven, partying.

How big is your bed? Big enough?:

My bed at home is a double bed. My bed at the dorm is a single. I don't take up too much space anyway so it's okay, but I like the double bed so I can sleep next to my junk.

How long do you think you will live?:

Long enough. Hopefully.
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